Emergency Eye Care — iCare Family Vision

6900 W Lake Street, St. Louis Park

Emergency Eye Care


Call us right away at 952-222-3578 if you believe your eyesight is in jeopardy, if you are in severe pain, or if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Sudden vision loss

  • Pain in or around the eye redness accompanied by pain in the eye

  • Halos (colored circles around lights)

  • New floaters (spots, strings, cobwebs, or shadows before the eyes)

  • Bulging of the eye or swelling of eye tissues

  • Flashes or streaks of light

  • Double vision

  • Sudden crossed, turned or "wandering" eye

  • Discharge, crusting or excessive tearing

  • Eyelids stuck together, especially upon awakening

  • Sudden blurring of vision that persists